20 May, 2022

Creating Content for Law Firms: 7 Proven Tips for Success

Creating Content For Law Firms 7 Proven Tips For Success

One of the biggest challenges of law firm SEO is creating quality content regularly. Because not all content for law firms is created equal, you should know how to set yours apart from the competition to earn your audience’s trust and drive more traffic to your website. This will help you attract new clients and ensure the success of your legal practice. 

How to Create High-Quality Content for Your Website

At Kinetic Traffic, we have compiled several tips to help you create high-quality content that will help your law firm stand out and get positive results. 

1. Create content with a clear goal in mind

It isn’t enough to simply aspire for “more views” each time you create web content. It would be best to have a clear goal in mind for every piece of content you develop for your law firm’s website. 

Start by considering your legal practice’s overall business goals. Then, ask yourself which segment of your audience you are trying to reach and for what purpose. For instance, do you want more people to join your mailing list? Or perhaps do you want your prospects to contact you and send enquiries? Whatever your goal is, ensure it is timely, measurable and achievable. 

2. Develop different types of content

As they say, “Variety is the spice of life.” Because blogs and articles can get old quickly, you should try to provide your audience with something different by adding other types of content to your repertoire. 

Instead of simply writing articles, you can also try posting:

  • Videos
  • Infographics
  • Case studies
  • Podcasts
  • Ebooks
  • How-to guides

3. Ensure your content jives with your brand narrative

To create better brand awareness, build trust, and establish your authority, ensure that every piece of content you develop reflects your brand narrative. When you say “brand narrative”, it refers to your law firm’s values, mission, objectives, approach to client support, and other qualities that make your legal practice different from the others. 

You can create a brand narrative guide you can refer to whenever you make a new piece of content. Ensure the guide defines the following:

  • Your target audience
  • The services you offer
  • Your unique value proposition
  • Your company’s mission statement, values, and objectives
  • Your brand voice or tone
  • Your approach to helping clients

4. Solve your audience’s problem

Quality content for law firms allows you to educate your audience and demonstrate your legal expertise. Therefore, when developing content for your website, see that it at least answers a question, provides valuable pointers or offers resources that can benefit your prospects. Also, it should let your audience know how they can contact you should they require more information or further assistance. 

5. Create content that matches your clients’ journey

One of the hallmarks of quality law firm content is that it can engage readers no matter where they are in their journey. While it’s vital to create content that can drive new prospects to your legal practice, you’d also want to reach those already familiar with your services but are still undecided. 

For this reason, you should build a “content funnel” that would help move prospects from their journey’s “awareness” stage to the “consideration” stage and then to the “decision” stage. 

a. Awareness stage (top of the funnel)

At this stage, your content should be informative and discuss a topic at a broader level. For instance, you can write articles and guides that would help a wider audience who has general questions about a specific legal issue. 

b. Consideration stage (middle of the funnel)

At the consideration stage, your content should target a segment of your audience who’s already aware of their problem and searching for a solution. These people are likely those who are comparing different law firms, so you’d want to serve them client testimonials, service pages, in-depth guides, and case studies to guide them to the final stage of their journey. 

c. Decision stage (bottom of the funnel)

The type of content at the decision stage is geared towards converting passive or undecided web visitors into new clients. This can include landing pages, sales letters, or even your Contact Us page. Ensure these pieces of web content have calls to action that would compel your prospects to contact you and enlist your legal services. 

6. Create and follow a blogging schedule

Although publishing a single high-quality content is more effective than posting several short articles during a specific period, setting up a blogging schedule can help you remain consistent. You can use Google Calendar to track your posting schedule and Google Sheets to manage the topics you want to cover. 

7. Keep track of your performance

Monitoring your performance is essential for creating effective and successful content for law firms. It helps you determine what’s working and what’s not. It can also guide your content creation strategy and help you identify the topics your prospects find more interesting. This way, you don’t have to waste your time writing about legal topics that won’t add value to your online marketing campaign. 

Create Better Law Firm Content for Higher Chances of Success

There’s more to creating content for your law firm than simply writing about legal topics to earn more views. You have to carefully plan and execute your content marketing strategy to ensure better results and higher chances of success. Consider the pointers discussed above to attract more clients and establish more authority. 

Don’t have the time to create and implement a sound content marketing strategy? We can help. At Kinetic Traffic, our team of law firm SEO specialists have the skills and experience to help you develop content that can help you build brand authority and awareness and attract more potential clients. Please get in touch with us today! 

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